Thursday, March 5, 2009
My moms new baby...

I hate being sick.
On Sunday afternoon I started getting a sore throat while making dinner at my parents house. I took some airborne and felt a little better but the sore throat was still there. Monday morning I woke up with my throat so sore and swollen I could hardly swallow. I also felt like my whole body hurt and I was still really tired. I had to go to school until 2 in the afternoon so I took some ibuprofen stuck some cough drops in my back pack and left. Tuesday morning I felt even worse because along with the sore throat and body aches I had a cough and I couldn't breathe out of my nose. I also had school that day that usually lasts from 10:00 am to 6:30 pm. It was the most awful school day ever. I just did not feel well and I wanted to lay down and sleep SO bad. Lucky for me there was a gas leak in the building and I ended up getting to leave school 2.5 hours early!!! I went to the doctor yesterday because I was fairly sure I had a sinus infection. He sent me home with some antibiotics. My clinical day is on Thursday every week but this week was cancelled which is good because it saved me from having to wake up at 5 am. I actually started to feel a little better today so hopefully in a day or two I will be back to normal. Darrell has been so great taking care of me this week while I haven't been feeling well. He took me to buy medicine and drove me to several different pharmacies to find these little tablets you throw in the shower that let out menthol vapors to help your nose. He made me dinner when it wasn't even his night to do so, and the other night I woke up in the middle of the night not being able to breathe very well, coughing, etc. and he got up and got me medicine and water. I don't know what I would do without my wonderful husband sometimes!
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