I did this on facebook and thought it was kind of fun to hear random little things about people you wouldn't have ever known before. Here is mine:
1. I sing in the shower
2. I sing in the car
3. My dream vacation is to go to Greece
4. I have been skydiving twice
5. I lived in New Jersey for almost three years and worked for two (very difficult) families
6. I have been inside the crown of the Statue of Liberty
7. I have seen several shows on Broadway and loved them all! (the Lion King, Mamma Mia, the Phantom of the Opera, Hairspray, Wicked, Les Miserable)
8. I love my dog a lot
9. I watch the Bachelor and am annoyed if I miss an episode
10. I love the Beatles!
11. I had a pony when I was little and it was so cool! His name was Rocket and my older brother and I loved him a lot!
12. I do NOT appreciate being woken up at indecent hours. I hear I get pretty mean when it happens.
13. I am pretty close to my grandparents
14. I HATE being cold. I would much rather be hot
15. My husband is my best friend in the whole world.
16. My dad is my hero
17. I like Led Zeppelin
18. Niagara Falls is one of the most AMAZING things I have ever seen
19. I like to cook and I think I do pretty good but I suck at baking
20. I think snakes are disgusting. The way they move is not natural.
21. I am scared of chickens. When I was little some chickens of my Grandpas chased me while pecking and scratching me and I am still traumatized.
22. I have been to a town called Intercourse. It's an amish town in Pennsylvania!
23. I have been to Washington D.C.
24. In high school I fractured a bone in my arm while toilet papering a guys house with some friends.
25. I got pepper spray in my stocking this past Christmas
I think everyone should do this for fun!