Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Over the July 24th weekend we went camping with our good friends the Schramers. We went down to the desert kind of by Price. Back in the 1930's there was a homestead act in that area and if you fulfilled the requirements you could keep the land. My great grandfather and his brothers did it and so the land is still in my dad's family. It's private land and so there is almost never other people camping out there. It was a lot of fun but I think we all agreed that camping in the desert in July was probably a mistake because it was HOT. Poor Yoko had hard time. We did have fun though. We did some target shooting with Darrell's arsenal, we had sparklers for the 24th, did a little hiking, had campfires, and a lot of fun conversation! My dad has a farm down there in a town called Cleveland and we took off in the afternoon and went to visit him. That was the highlight of the trip for me because we were got sprayed by his huge sprinklers in one of the hay fields! It was a very fun camping trip. It never really seems like summer unless you go camping for some reason. Thanks Matt and Brittnee for putting up with us for a few days, we had a lot of fun!

Darrell, me, Brittnee, and Matt. We were so relieved when the sun started to go down!

1 comment:

BrItTneEanN said...

Yay that's us!!! Except your story sounds more interesting:) We miss you guys, we need to hang out soon.