Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Carving!

I love to celebrate holidays and Halloween is no exception!! I bought three pumpkins this year and have been waiting for a couple of weeks now to carve them. Last night Darrell and I took Yoko and our three pumpkins to my parents house to FINALLY carve our pumpkins. We had so much fun! All of our pumpkins turned out pretty well too. My mom, Tracy (my sister), and I decided to something different with ours. We used this tool (I have no idea what it's called) that made it so you didn't carve all the way through the pumpkin you just took off the orange part and some of the flesh. It looks pretty cool when you light them up, the picture or design you carve just kind of glows. We also decided not to cut off the tops of the pumpkins and to just cut out the bottom and get all the insides out that way. It was harder but I like it better that way. Here are some pictures!

Mine and Darrell's pumpkins sitting in front of our apartment. The one on the left is spray painted with chalkboard paint (by Darrell) so you can write on it with chalk. The one in the middle is the one I did without carving all the way through. The last one is Darrell's. We thought it looked just like him. Really white with square glasses!
Here are all of our pumpkins carved and lit all together. Darrell's, Tracy's pumpkin (it's batman), mine, and my Mom's. 
My mom and I taking the guts out of our pumpkins!

Thanks Mom for inviting us over, the pizza, and the dessert! W will have to start doing this every year!


Amy said...

Your pumpkins look great! Glad you had fun.

Marissa said...

Love your pumpkins! I especially love the ones where you don't cut all the way through...I didn't know there was a special tool to help you do that. Hope you guys have a Happy Halloween!

Kelsey and Donald said...

Amanda I am going to need your help. I not so good at this blogging thing. Mine is ugly... Please Help Me!!!!

Colleen said...

I'm an old friend of Darrell's from high school - I live in NYC now. I just wanted to say - that chalkboard pumpkin is awesome! What a fab idea. Congratulations on marrying Di-rell! xo - Colleen