I got tagged by my friend Keri to post the fourth picture in my fourth picture file. This is my moms dog Hershey. Hershey got added to the family a few years back while I was living in New Jersey. The story of how my mom got Hershey is actually very weird, gross, a little funny, and sad. So my mom is a nurse and she was working in a nursing home and one of her elderly patients (who had dementia) had a twin sister she had always been close to who lived by herself somewhere in Salt Lake. One day while my mom was at work her elderly patient started to get very upset yelling that her arm hurt and she was worried about her sister. Then she started yelling that her sister was dead she just knew it! Anyway, I guess this went on for a while. so finally my mom decided to call this woman's son. The son came to see his mother and promised to go check on her sister his aunt. When he went to check on her sure enough he found the woman was indeed dead. She had I guess died a day or two before that while she was sitting at her kitchen table eating her morning cereal and her poor little dog hershey had been there with her the whole time. The family didn't know what to do with the dog and were just going to give it to the pound but my mom fell in love with her and offered to take her. Hershey is such a funny dog. She will follow my mom around the house all day and when my dad gets home from work she gets all sad if he does not greet her first. She makes a great addition to the family!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Picture Tag!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Dad!!!
Halloween is a fun holiday in my family because it also happens to be my Dad's birthday! I love my Dad so much. My Dad is the most honest, smartest, hardworking person I have ever met. I am so grateful for the example he is and all of the things he has done for me over the years. Thanks for everything Dad, Darrell and I love you so much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pumpkin Carving!
I love to celebrate holidays and Halloween is no exception!! I bought three pumpkins this year and have been waiting for a couple of weeks now to carve them. Last night Darrell and I took Yoko and our three pumpkins to my parents house to FINALLY carve our pumpkins. We had so much fun! All of our pumpkins turned out pretty well too. My mom, Tracy (my sister), and I decided to something different with ours. We used this tool (I have no idea what it's called) that made it so you didn't carve all the way through the pumpkin you just took off the orange part and some of the flesh. It looks pretty cool when you light them up, the picture or design you carve just kind of glows. We also decided not to cut off the tops of the pumpkins and to just cut out the bottom and get all the insides out that way. It was harder but I like it better that way. Here are some pictures!
Thanks Mom for inviting us over, the pizza, and the dessert! W will have to start doing this every year!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I've been tagged...
8 Favorite t.v. shows:
1: Friends (In know this makes me dumb but I own all ten seasons)
2:Dancing With the Stars
3. Rachel Ray
4: The Today Show
5. That 70's Show
6. Top Gear
8. America's Next Top Model
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Mi Ranchito (in American Fork)
2. Noodle Company
3. Rumbi Island Grill
4. Olive Garden
5. Smokehouse Barbecue
6. Pei Wei
7. Supreme Burger
8. the Greek place on State Street in Orem. I don't know the name. We always call it the Greek place.
(Darrell is way sad that Chipotle didn't make my top 8)
8 Things that happened yesterday:
1. Drove to school
2. Took a quiz in my Fundamentals of Nursing class
3. Got confused AGAIN in my Nursing Fundamentals lab class.
4. Talked to my mom in the hall at school.
5. Went to my Pharmacology lab.
6. Took a nursing math quiz in my pharmacology lab class.
7. Took a quiz in the lecture portion of my Pharmacology class.
8. FINALLY drove home!
8 Things to look forward too:
1. Finishing nursing school (I have a ways to go yet).
2. Halloween (my dad's birthday).
3. Dinner with my Grandpa and Darrell Friday night.
4. Thanksgiving
5. Christmas
6. Darrell getting home from work in a few minutes!
7. My little sisters birthday (Tracy).
8. Did I mention finishing nursing school?
8 things I love about fall:
1. The colors.
2. Pumpkins
3. Halloween
4. The crispy leaves falling to the ground.
5. Sweaters
6. The smell
7. Knowing the holiday season is getting closer!
8. Making soup (Darrell will only eat it when it starts to get cold).
8 Things you may not know about me:
1. I love reality t.v.! I don't know why... I know it's not really reality and that it's really silly... But I love it!
2. I can't live without Burts Bee's chapstick (I love Burts Bee's).
3. I have been skydiving twice.
4. Going to Greece is my dream vacation!
5. I would much rather be to hot than to cold.
6. Chips and salsa is my all time favorite snack.
7. I LOVE the Beatles.
8. I can't wait to have kids (in a few years, I really need to finish school and get my RN license first).
8 People I tag:
1. Keri
2. Kelsey
3. Marissa
4. Lynsey
5. Princess
6. Amy
7. Bridget
8. Anyone that wants too!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Hiking up to the Timpanogas Cave...
Last week while I was on break from school Darrell took two days off of work to stay home and spend time with me. He works during the week and I work on the weekends when Darrell is home. We see each other every night but we don't get to spend a full day together very often so it was very nice to have us both home for two full days! One of those days it was very nice outside so we decided to drive up American Fork Canyon and Hike up to Timpanogas Caves and take a tour. It was a beautiful day with beautiful scenery! The hike took us about an hour and a half and then you tour through a bunch of caves and tunnels with a forest ranger. I have lived in good old American Fork for almost my entire life and have only done this once before when I was probably 7 or 8. I didn't remember how steep the trail was or how many caves and tunnels you go through! It was so cool! Anyways, here are some pictures. They are a little out of order. I am still not very good at figuring out this whole blogging thing!
My first attempt at a pretty complicated cake...
So a while back I saw this coconut cake on the cover of a magazine and I really wanted to make it. The recipe was a little complicated and it took me all day to make (everything was made from scratch. The cake, filling, and the frosting). When I had it all finished I was pretty pleased that it turned out fairly well. There are a few things I would know to do differently for next time but for the first time it turned out pretty good!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Weezer concert!!!
Last week Darrell and I went to the Weezer concert. We had a a lot of fun! After several attempts and hours of trying I finally got this video of My Name is Jonas to load. I had another video we got of another good song they played but I won't try to post it after how long this one took. My older brother Travis won a radio concert and got to be one of 20-30 people that got to play onstage with Weezer at the concert. We didn't get good pictures of that though. We went with my mom, Clint (little brother), and Melissa (Travis' wife).
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
My break from school!
My first semester of school ended last Tuesday! I had all this week off to relax. It has been so nice not to have homework or anything to worry about. I have been very lazy! It was the first semester of school and after not having been in school for a while it was really hard to get used to studying and doing homework again. This coming Monday the second semester starts. My days at school will be longer and I will have more classes than last semester. I'll be starting my nursing classes and clinicals this semester though. I have to take chemistry this semester though... I am not excited for that at all! The teacher for chemistry is the same teacher I had for anatomy and physiology this past semester and that class was HARD. I hear that the chemistry class is worse. Wish me luck!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Labor Day weekend!
We love long weekends! For Labor Day we went camping. We left that Friday night and spent the night at my dad's ranch in Cleveland (by Price). Saturday morning my dad and my sister came, we all loaded some hay onto the hay trailer, and then we loaded up and headed to the desert to camp out for the night. It was really hot when we got there and started setting up camp but a few hours later it started to sprinkle and it cooled down to a perfect temperature. We ended up leaving on Sunday morning because it looked like it would probably rain a lot more. We had a lot of fun! Thanks Dad for hauling up the tent trailer for us! We were really glad you and Tracy came!
Not so tough tuff balls...
(tuff balls), they're like little tennis balls that fit perfectly in her little mouth. She usually just loves to play catch with them but for some reason she wanted to chew this one and it looked this this in about three days. It is completely destroyed!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Our lazy Saturday!!!
This past weekend we had a very lazy Saturday. I ended up not working so we just hung out at home all day. Darrell and Yoko look so sweet cuddled up sleeping on the couch!
Saturday night we hung out with Kelsey and Blake. After a lot of debating between chipotle and Pei Wei's for food we chose Pei Wei's (Darrell was a little sad). Blake drove and while we were driving down the freeway on our way home there was this truck with the back completely full of furniture. Suddenly a couch fell out the side of the back of this truck and blake had to swerve so it didn't hit his car and kill us all. It was a little scary! We had decided we wanted to watch the Olympics basketball game between the U.S.A. and Spain but it didn't start until 12:30 am so we stayed up and waited for the game to start and then when it did start it didn't end until 2:30 in the morning! But the good old U.S.A. won the game so it was all worth it!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
My Birthday!!
This past weekend I turned 24! I had a great birthday this year. My Mom and Dad made me a great dinner for my birthday two weekends ago. They gave me this really cool book with all of Jane Austen's novels combined. Last Thursday night we went out with some of our good friends Kelsey, Blakey, Fat Tim, and Challa. We went to Mi Ranchito (it has been my favorite place to eat for as long as I can remember) and then we went to a movie. It was so much fun! I usually work only on the weekends but I took Saturday and Sunday off to relax for my birthday. It was a great weekend. My parents took our family to Lagoon for the day for mine and my older brothers birthdays (his was in June). We haven't been for a long time! We had so much fun riding rides and just being together. The best thing we did that day was driving the go carts! My Dad accidently hit some random girl and made her spin out on the track! As we were leaving we played the game where you have to slam the hammer down on the little post to supposedly test your strength (hopefully that makes sense) and my Dad and my sister won me a stuffed killer whale. Darrell was so sweet for my birthday too! He made me breakfast in bed, took me to a movie (one that all of his friends would make fun of him for really bad), made me a yummy steak dinner (with roasted potatoes and roasted green beans) and he bought me a new phone! All in all it was a great birthday. Thanks for all the birthday wishes from everyone!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Our week...
This week is crazy for us! This past weekend Darrell went with my dad down to Cleveland, UT to help out on my dad's ranch. They hauled hay, fixed the tractor, and then Darrell picked up rocks while my dad mowed a field. Their ride home got interesting when their hay on the trailer caught on fire!! After they took care of that they finally got home and we had a yummy barbecued chicken dinner. I had school all day Monday and Tuesday. On Friday Darrell's mom and sister are coming from New Mexico! We are excited because we don't get to see them that often. On Saturday we will be going with them to Darrell's moms family reunion in Idaho. Darrell is glad he gets to take me to one of his family functions since he goes to mine frequently! I don't have any pictures of Darrell at the ranch): It wont be the last time he goes though so don't worry!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
It's been a while...
Darrell and I have been so busy the last few months!! I haven't posted anything in a long time so I guess I better get on it.
May is a busy month in my family because of all the birthdays
This is my little brother Clint and my little cousin Rayne. They also celebrated their birthdays in May. Clint turned 19 and Rayne turned 6.
To celebrate my moms birthday a bunch of us went to the zoo . She had been wanting to go for a long time and we hadn't been in forever so it it was fun!
My little brother Clint graduated from highschool!! It was kind of weird to watch walk across the stage to get his diploma. I can still remember when he was born...
Darrell and I had our one year anniversary on June 22nd!! I could not believe we had been married for one whole year! It really went by way fast.
Last week we took my little brother Clint to the MTC. He is going to the Canada Halifax mission and we already miss him a lot.
This past weekend we celebrated my Grandpa Heiniger's 70th birthday! It was so much fun!! We had a huge barbecue at this park in American Fork. My Aunt Carol and her husband Kevin brought a HUGE rotisserie and we barbecued a 45 pound turkey! There was a hill at this park so we also had a giant water slide going down the hill. Happy birthday Grandpa we love you!!
Here is a video of Darrell and I going down our water slide at my Grandpas party!
Well it is a really long post but it will give everyone a good idea what we have been up to lately!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
We are moving!
So a couple of weeks ago Darrell and I found out that we have to move out of the basement apartment where we have been living since we got married last June. For some reason it really stressed me out BAD!! I'm not sure why I freak out about such things. Anyway, After a lot of panicking and searching we found an apartment!!! I know it probably doesn't seem like a big deal but I have a hard time with big changes and we have a dog (that we are very attached to) so it was hard to find somewhere. But we did it and we are very excited! It is only 3 or 4 blocks from where we live now here in good old American fork! We will have tons of space and a dishwasher!!!! I think the dishwasher is Darrell's favorite part about the place. I am mostly just glad I can stop worrying about where we are going to be next month!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Camping with the Mills family!!!
This past weekend Darrell and I went camping with my family for the Mills family reunion out in the desert. Neither of us had been camping in a few years so we had a lot of fun! Darrell did some shooting with my Dad, Grandpa, Clint, and Tracy. We roasted hot dogs over the fire, we went four wheeling, and climbed over and under some really big rocks. My dad also made a few delicious dutch oven meals. We had so much fun spending some quality time with the family outdoors!
Clint, Darrell, and Yoko
I decided to join the blogging world. I have been thinking about it for a long time and have finally done it! I hope that this way Darrell and I can keep in better touch with friends and family. I for one have never been good at that. I hope you all enjoy the future posts!
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